
Okay so yesterday I became somewhat sick and now I'm really sick and it sucks. Let us see, I have a stuffy nose, soar throat, it hurts when I talk, I sound like crap and I can't sing any songs (which sucks) and I just feel like crap all day.

So my question is....
Does anyone know how to get rid of the cold the fastest ways?
I know Zicam is supposed to be really good but it's so disgusting that I don't want to use it (and my mom has it anyway)

So how do you get rid of your colds?

I'm not even for sure if mine is a cold or what. It could be some other virus thing.
Who knows, cuz I don't.

But can you give me some advice?\
Please and thank you

March 29th, 2008 at 04:14am