I hate this

i miss talking to my boyfriend
well i guess i cant totally call him that
since we live in different states but u get the point
he is gorunded, yet again, he might as well just get a 2-day pass on being un grounded
thats how much he gets grounded
its like the day he isnt grounded anymore he will be good
then the next day he does something stupid and is grounded for a week
oh well
AMAZINGLY his dad let him text me last night for like an hour
but i miss his voice
it always makes me happy to hear it

and now i cant talk to him on myspace either
his dad is an ass and made him delete it
although im pretty sure he will make another, like last time
but still....alot of stuff is still happening
and im moving to hell
and my moms getting married and shit
and i need to talk to him right now
but for the most part, i wont be able to.......
i wish he lived in washington
or i lived in california.....

someone wanna get me plane tickets? hah, yeah right
March 29th, 2008 at 06:15pm