Blonde Bunches And A Mirrorball Dress *and this world earth thing*

I was supposed to be helping my cousin decorate her new house today but we just went upstairs and looked at pictures on her laptop while our grandma and her mum did all the wallpaper-ing.

She'd scanned some pictures from a long time ago onto there and it was so embarassing!

There are so many pictures of me when I was a baby and a little girl. It was almost scary. She's got pictures of me dressed a Barbie doll for last Halloween was scary
There are pictures of that on my profile.

But all these baby in a frilly blue and white spotted dress with curls


There's one of us on holiday and I'm wearing a silver mirrorball dress, gold glasses and Barbie trainers. I didn't like pink so I got my dad to spray paint them silver.

And I had blonde bunches


I've got blue hair now but sadly I have to chop the blue bits out for school. My school are really strict about uniform and everything but my friend's still getting snake bites. These blue bits in my hair are fake though, so I'll cut them out and glue them back in in the summer

I really hate my school. We have to wear a uniform and a tie and we're not allowed to have colour in our hair or wear make up or have badges on our blazers or wear Converse.

It sucks, really

And this thing...I've forgotten what it's called....where all these major companies are turning off their lights and saving power.

Wow, finally, something's being done to save the environment!!!!!

*nerdy laugh*

It's pretty cool........I'll just turn on my Spongebob lamp runs on batteries.....


March 29th, 2008 at 11:13pm