To the writers of crappy emo poems:

To the writers of crappy emo poems:
Please, in the name of all that is good and holy, stop writing. If I have to read one more poem about someone wanting to kill themselves, or cutting themselves, I don't know what I will do, as I cannot legally threaten anyone. If you think your poems are going to get people to care about you and give you attention, you're dumb. If you are really going to kill yourself stop writing about it and GO GET FREAKING HELP DAMN IT!! Don't use this site to post a bunch of crappy, depressing poems that nobody wants to read. On that note, DO NOT add "funny" as a tag on your poem if it is not in fact, funny. I am so tired going to that section of this site and finding again, more depressing poems. Occasionally there will be some Shel Silverstein style poems in there, and congrats to you people, but this is only in rare cases. See, I can say this because I am not a hypocrite. Look through my poems and I challenge you, I freaking challenge you to find a horrible, depressing, emo, cutting, kill-myself, style poem. I have two or so poems that have slightly sad tones to them, but mostly, they are pissed off tones. But honestly, who the HELL wants to read horrible poems about people wanting to kill themselves? Unless you are a sadist, but even sadists don't appreciate horrible poetry like the writers of these poems apparently do. Call me mean, call me a bitch, call me whatever the hell you want. But If I could say this to each and every single writer of every crappy emo poem on this site, I would. But do you have ANY idea how long would that take?

I welcome all negative and positive comments.

Ok, it is true I do not have to read all of these crappy poems, but I am tired of having to sift through all of them and finding them to have the same subject. Is life really that horrible? And if it is, please do something about it. I'm not trying to be cold and heartless, but when something is awry in my life, I do something about it. If you're depressed, get help. Tell someone, see a psychologist, tell your parents, something.

You guys act like I have ever been depressed before. I've been there, so has just about every other teenager on the planet. You know what I did? I sat, I stewed, I went and told my friends and family how I was feeling, I saw a psychologist, and I got better. I didn't sit around writing depressing poems. And I have been writing my entire life. When I DID write, it was usually something the complete opposite of what I was feeling. I wrote to make myself feel better. I wrote about the good things in my life. There are a few "beautifully sad" poems on here, but I haven't read many.

*Insert laughter here* The funny thing is though, is that there are SO many poems with the exact same content. Some are good, I'll give you that. But most of them are emo BS. I know (some of) my poems are crappy. But honestly, I would rather read a crappy poem about something happy, or peaceful, or any positive topic, than read a good one by someone with a username like "Cookie_Cutter_My_Wrists* I have all the empathy in the world for people who cut themselves, I was one of those people, and I really hate to know what they are going through that. And seriously, if any of those people want to talk to me or need someone to listen, I would do that. But there are so many people who aren't really that upset, and in reality just lonely or bored, that write poems about killing themselves for attention. Its complete BS.

Ladies and gents, I must say that I was extremely pissed off when I wrote this last night. I would click on various poems, and a quick scan would show them to be all about the same subject. I would click on the "Funny" tag, and find more of the same poems. Maybe I shouldn't have said everything I did, however, my advice to all of you who still want to write these poems, please try and look on the good side of life and try and balance out your sad poems, with equally happy ones. I will not spam you, I promise. Just, try and enjoy life and realize that at some point things in life HAVE to get better. If you are in high school like me, I am convinced that college will be when life will be more what I want. Maybe that will be true for you. Have a nice day guys.
March 30th, 2008 at 04:55am