I've got great news!

No it's not another Geico reference, geez. ¬¬ But before we crashed the computer, my Dad and I were able to save our things! :] That Comcast got we got is a miracle working, I swear. We went from not getting on our computer accounts to getting on and saving documents without catching the virus. That makes DeDe happeh. I'm glad we got our computer back.

... But sad also. My documents didn't get saved, my Dad's did. :/ I lost my pictures, music, stories, everything except my poetry and introductions to roleplays I save. I bawled like a baby. I won't lie. My Dad says BigFix will help me get it back, but I doubt it. I know my stuff is gone.

Farewell, memories...

[P.S. I'm only focusing on my vampyre story now.]
March 30th, 2008 at 05:07am