Don't label people? Then don't label music.

This is a rant.
I'm sorry if I make anyone angry, but this is my opinion.
Everyone has a right to their own opinion.

I don't understand some people. They make this big show about how they don't like labels, yet right under that bold statement, they list the genres of music they listen to.

Don't they realize that by doing that, they are labeling music?
They are stereotyping it.
They are stereotyping the music, the artist, and everyone who listens to it.

If some one tells you they listen to rap music, what are you most likely to think?
Baggy pants and grillz, right?
Or maybe violence and sexism.
Either way, it's another stereotype, and it's not just rap. It's the same for all genres of music.

If you stereotype people, fine, go ahead and stereotype music.
I don't care.

But if you say that labels are for soup cans, then leave the labeling to the soup companies.
Don't label your music.
March 30th, 2008 at 05:19am