I'm not sure what to do...

I like writing poems but i'm not sure if people like them my friend says that i change the topic of my poem in the middle and their really random and don't make sense but that's kinda who i am... i'm not sure if i should keep writing or not especially if no one likes my writing... i mean i like to write and all but i don't want to post stuff people won't like... i also have an account on quizilla that only has poetry... i'm not sure if i should keep writing because i'm ok at poetry i guess but i have absolutely no talent when it comes to writing stories... also it might be a while before i ever post because i have this paper that i've been procrastinating about so i'm gonna take a break from poetry and reading stories to work on that... it's soooooo stupid... i also just realized that i kinda don't have any friends it's sad really... sure i hang out with some people but i don't think they even like me because i can be kind of annoying because i get hyper and overly exited... i try not to but it's just my ADHD... i probably shouldn't be complaining because a lot of people have it way worse than i do... i mean i've got great parents and even thought my mom and i fight a lot we still love each other and so my school life sucks at least i'm not bullied (i'm only ignored...) and sure my little brother has major anger issues, and my older brother is fighting a drug and alcohol addiction. At least i have a family... some people don't and sure my mom may never understand me but at least she cares about me... i'm so messed up! oh yeah i started cutting again and i went a whole week without anyone knowing until my mom some how figured it out... so i'm back in therapy, but i'm listening to MCR whenever i want to cut (which is a lot...) and it calms me down so then i don't do it no matter how much i want to.... well i'm done rambling and you all can get back to your lives... thanks for putting up with me!!!

March 30th, 2008 at 06:41pm