kelseys blog-#2- back to the start/ in the making of P,L&J :)

hello readerss! how are you? Personally, i am very happy!! we are doing quite well with the story!!!.. on fan-fiction we have like 188 readers and on mibba we have 6 subscribers. our website that is doing the worst is actually this one, which really upsets us considering this is our main website that we started out on.. we would really like to thanks those of you who do read and message and rate, we love you all so much! but i would really appreciate it if some of you other quizilla writers would review our story and let us know what you think. We also have a new website that I created not too long ago - - be sure to check us out there! it is a brand new site and most of the stuff on it is made personally by us. but some stuff we did get off other sites.

so currently I am at Lias house and lauren just left, we had a sleepover and got soo much accomplished with the story. We have the full plot plan done right up to the end of peace love and jonas which will end up being approximately 40 chapters long. Also i think you will be very pleased to hear that our story is really going to get better, around the chapter 20 and onward alot of drama starts and something will happens that will change one of the girls lives forever. there will be alot of promises broken, alot of fights, alot of hilarious moments, and not to mention some of the very unsuspected twists and turns. i think you readers will really like it. Also we even have a sequal planned. and we already have a name chose for the sequal too(the name will remain confidential for now as it will give away too much about the end of P,L&J) Omj, Im so excited for the sequal!!! its going to be so great! personally i think its going to be even better then the first one. in the sequal we have up to chapter 6 planed out. and im not sure if im supposed to tell you this or not but we even have a little surprise planned for after the sequal. in the end this will be like a mega huge series! and im loving every miute of it!

So last night/this morning me, lauren and lia were remembering back in december when we started this series. it was really funny. we never told you guys this before but we actually had no want to write a story,it was kind of a spirt of the moment type of thing, this is what happened: we were on the school bus on the way to Lia's house to hang out one day and we were really bored. about 5 minutes away from lia's house I asked the two what we would do when we got to Lia's and being totally saracstic and not even meaning what she said lauren said "lets write a book." and she laughed at how stupid and sarcastic her comment was. until me and lia looked at her with smiles on our faces and said "...sure!" and thats when everything started. shortly after we had created three characters -kelsey Thompson, Amleia Brady and Lauren Gray- who are perfectly imperfect. We created a life for each girl and a guy who they would fall for, we made them have heartbrakes and headaches and put them in California then made an individual persoality and dream for each girl. until soon we were left with the drama filled fan fiction we know today as peace, love and jonas. Really, adding the jonas brothers to the story was kind of an after thought. so thats the way it went :D
March 30th, 2008 at 07:08pm