Prostate vs. Prostrate

pros·trate - verb (used with object)
1. to cast (oneself) face down on the ground in humility, submission, or adoration.
2. to lay flat, as on the ground.
3. to throw down level with the ground.
4. to overthrow, overcome, or reduce to helplessness.
5. to reduce to physical weakness or exhaustion.
6. lying flat or at full length, as on the ground.
7. lying face down on the ground, as in token of humility, submission, or adoration.
8. overthrown, overcome, or helpless: a country left prostrate by natural disasters.
9. physically weak or exhausted.
10. submissive.
11. utterly dejected or depressed; disconsolate.
12. Botany. (of a plant or stem) lying flat on the ground.

pros·tate - adjective
1. of or pertaining to the prostate gland.
prostate gland - noun
1. an organ that surrounds the urethra of males at the base of the bladder, comprising a muscular portion, which controls the release of urine, and a glandular portion, which secretes an alkaline fluid that makes up part of the semen and enhances the motility and fertility of sperm.

Now, I'm sorry I had to point this out, but it really irritates me when I'm reading a slash or whatever and it all of the sudden says, "he hit his prostrate dead on".
No. Just... no.
For anyone who has taken proper health classes and/or is above the age of 14 knows that the bundle of nerves located up a guys ass is a prostate. There is only one 'r'!
Can everyone please stop saying that his 'prostrate' was stimulated? Please? For my sanity? You cannot phsyically bump into an adjective or verb. Trust me. I've tried.


P.S. If you need further clarity and/or just want Sex Ed. lessons... comment me. I'll give them to you. I'm not shy about shit and from the way you all throw slash out constantly like its a rain-soaked newspaper, I'm pretty sure you all aren't either.
March 30th, 2008 at 09:54pm