
I need help! So does my friend, Breonna, but i need it way more tha nshe does! i mean it! and the fact that ben kent is coming to lunch today for me and a few friends does not help make matters any better and i really wish that he would say that i wan't texting him during school and i think i wanna go back to cutting myslef but i'm not entirely sure about that one! and if i was i don't think that i would be here right now in fact i might be in a mental instiute!
I need my mom right now! i need someone to talk to to tlell what's been going on in my life. someone that i don't live with. someone who won't judge me and think that i'm completely crazY! just because i haven't stopped texting ben and i dont' plan on it, is no reaso nfor people to be scared from me!
if they would jsut look inside of me andd see that i have really screwed up emotions and i loooooooooooooooooooooooooove sad mlusic b/c i can rlate ot it means nothing! i'm jsut like any other 14 year old a dn i think that people should give me chance and not jsut look n the outside to judge me by the coothes i'm wearing and the hat i'm wearing or how much eye liner i have o nthat day! i mean it really pisses me off when people do that to me when they see me in a store and tell their sons to stay away form me! i'lm sure tha tthey could do much more damage to me than i could do to them!
April 13th, 2007 at 05:06pm