sunday, march 30 2oo8

matthew austin fisher.
I’m not really sure if we met in kindergarten or first grade, but I know we were best friends all throughout elementary school. We were the inseperable kids that had every class together,spent every recess together, ate lunch together and were rarely seen apart from eachother. The way best friends are supposed to be.
3rd grade.
When pokemon was old news and neopets had been the cool thing. We used to sit around at school and just draw little furry creatures and give them names and it never got old.
I got a lot of my drawing characteristics from watching you in art class. You had a lot of talent, and you still do.
I also remember the first time we hung out.
It was at my 7th birthday party, and I remember freaking out trying to find something pretty to wear.
I ended up picking a purple velvet dress, [how dorky] and I remember you were the only one who said you liked it.
At that party, you got me a blue tiger, the one I had been wanting forever. That was the first time in my life I ever told somebody other than my family that I loved them.
I was like, “Thanks, i love you!” and all our friends took it the wrong way, but we knew they were just jealous :]
And in fourth grade,
Everyone had their “save the trees, be vegetarian” phases. I remember that’s when me and you were the absolute tightest.
We used to wear tye-dye like every other day and we made up stupid songs to sing at recess under the playground.
Oh, and matt, remember “The Hippy Hut” ? Wow.
The last year we were really close..
Was the 5th grade. We weren’t in the same class, but every day at recess we would always go out in the woods and play ‘candy land’ with the whole entire group, even people we hardly knew. And I remember all the caterpillars under the table and that one tree that we could never knock down, even though it was like a twig growing out of the ground. And we had the STUPIDEST names for eachother. BAMBI and MATTIO. I miss screaming that name a lot.
I’m not quite sure really what happened..
But when we got to middle school EVERYTHING changed. I don’t think we even spoke one word to eachother all year. We both found new friends and different cliques and kind of went our separate ways.
I didn’t say so, but I hated the 6th grade more than any other grade. Because middle school had stolen my best friend, and I hated that.
And then in 7th grade,
We started talking again, thanks to us being in the same keyboarding class.
That was when I was considered “emo” around the school, and you would harass the jocks who made fun of me .
Back then, we didn’t have every class together, we didn’t even eat at the same lunch table.
But that all eventually changed.
And finally, 8th.
8th grade has been the best year for us, I believe.
During the summer between 7th and 8th, I found an old photo album of pictures of us when we were like 8, and it made me realize how much I missed you.
And I made a vow that when I got back to school in the fall that I wouldn’t hug anyone until I hugged you first.
I followed through with the hugging thing, and god was looking out for me that day.
Because, we just so happened to have every single class together, lockers beside each other, everything.
I think it was destiny for us to re-unite, And we did, And im glad.
You make my day so much better, and you don’t even know it.
If I didn’t have you by my side all day, I’d never make it through school.
You’re there every day to read me stuff off the board because I can hardly see, to let me copy your notes, and no matter how many times I ask you the same stupid question, you don’t get mad, you just repeat it for me again.
I still can’t BELIEVE that you can go a week of putting up with me and not go insane.
But then again, people say you’re pretty crazy yourself, so I guess we even eachother out on the sanity scale.
YES, we do fight. And over retarded things like pencils or shoelaces. You name it, we argue about it. But you know what? We make up 10 minutes later.
So after all this, matt.
I just wanted you to know that no matter how much I make fun of you, or mock you or say you act emo, or tell you your fly is undone or copy your homework or get you in trouble or fight with you or just flat out ignore you, under all that, I really do love you. Because no matter what happens when we go into high school, im never losing you again.
I'm still not done. Matt, I Know how much you loved him. you talked about him all the time, and it was pretty clear that if he and your brother were both dangling off a cliff about to fall to their death, that you would save him instead of your brother. When i first found out about it, I seriously could not grasp the concept of how upset you would be. i was upset too. You sit in class and tell me all these wonderful stories about him, and the whole time i'm sitting here thinking, "God, i wanna meet him so bad!" i know he meant a lot to you, and i know that it's gonna be hard to go on without him, but i just want you to know that even if i don't seem like it, i'm always here for you, dude. because ily.
March 31st, 2008 at 04:34am