just writing stuff about the Twilight series

Okay, I know at least 2/3's of the people on this site have heard of the Twilight series and such. And I'm pretty sure that a majority will say that Twilight and/or Eclipse are their fave book(s). But does anyone even like New Moon?

New Moon is my all time favorite mainly because it makes you think about stuff that happens. Like in the book, Bella ends up staying with Edward instead of Jacob. But was anyone besides myself thinking that she would be rid of Edward and stay with Jacob. (but I guess if that happened Eclipse would have been totally different.)

Also, I felt really bad for Jake because when the three of them (Edward, Bella, and Jake) are in the woods, and she ends up going with Edward, you can actually feel Jake's pain .. like you're there. I honestly wanted to wrap my arms around Jacob and make him feel better. I've read the book literally 15 times and I always cry at that part.

Does anyone else think New Moon is better?

Also, on August 2nd, the fourth book, Breaking Dawn, is coming out and I am dying to get my hands on it and read it. And December 12th, Twilight the movie is coming out and the guy that's playing Jasper is hott!

Okay, I'm good.

April 1st, 2008 at 02:31am