I think I'm going to cry...

I know it's pathetic but...


I just got a ticket.

HIM are playing!!! I'm so psyched. I have loved them since I was 11 and never been able to see them.

So many Finnish men are playing. And everyone knows that Finnish men are the sexiest in the world.
Hells Yeah.

We go down on the 11th, which is a Wednesday, so I'll be bunking 3 days of college to go, but I don't care. I thought I was going to miss one of my A Level exams as well, but luckily I'd got the wrong date.

I've never been to a real festival before. I was going to go to Ashton Court Festival last year, but it was cancelled because it got flooded and it's never hppening again.

Today was so shit, I ached and was recovering from yesterdays hang over and the knowledge that I made out with a 50 year old at the Aiden gig on Sunday. But now I am SO happy.

Ahhh fuck it, I'm going to cry! Is anyone else going?
April 1st, 2008 at 06:16pm