YAY!!! I think...Birthdays and Pool-hopping in the rain

I'm turning 16 on the 4th and I think I'm looking forward to it but I'm not quite sure...I mean 16's supposed to be a big deal and all but since just moved here I dont have any friends around here and my "Best Friend" in NH forgot to call and say happy birthday last year, so...
Also, My oldest of my 5 sisters is coming up from TX with her baby, my little Niece who'll be 2 on the 14th.
She isn't exactly Homophobic, but my sister really 'disapprieciates' Gays or anything like guys in makeup and she hates my music cuz it isn't "Indie" enough and she 'confides' in my Mom if she sees me doing anything that looks like I might be writing Slash again or reading those crappy music Magazines...
My sister isn't evil and I love her but I'm not really counting on having my Birthday this year...

But my favorite Radio DJ is 25 today and I'm so proud of him for practically no reason...he's like practically a whore. lol not really...but he is in love with Lance Bass...

Aaaaand me and my older sister (KidEmery to you bitch) did manage to sneak out of the house through the window at 2 AM in the pouring rain and run over to the neighbor's backyard for a quick swim. The automatic floodlights turned on outside our house once and then we couldn't get the gate open to the pooldeck and THEN our two dogs saw us trying to quietly re-enter the house through the window and started barking...
A dangerous night, but it was fun!!
I should be bad more often...
April 1st, 2008 at 09:59pm