If you're having a bad day this may cheer you up!

I have some weird ideas on "funny" however you may find this as humorous as I did!

Okay so when I was doing my homework I, well, got distracted while flipping through pages.

Page 63-64 in my Reading Book states: "How to be Polite Online" from Netiquette by Virginia Shea. Online? Why that's where I live! So I checked it out. Here some things that made me laugh and I quote( anything in parentheses is me speaking) :

Table 1: Emoticons
:-) Smile; laugh; "I'm Joking"
:-( Frown; Sadness; "Bummer" (Teehee I like that word...)
:) Variant of :-) or "Have a Nice Day!"
;-) Wink; denotes a pun or sly joke (I personally always thought something perverted)
:-0 Yelling or screaming; or completely shocked
:-() Can't or won't stop talking (I gotta use that one more often!)
:-D Big, delighted grin
:-] or :-) Sarcastic smile (Refer to number 1. Someone is redundant...or confused)
%-) Confused but happy (WTF?)
%-( Confused but unhappy
:-| Can't decide how to feel; no feelings either way
* Kiss
{} or [] Hug
{{{{******}}}}} Hugs and Kisses

-That was the first page then the next page was...-

Table 2: Abbreviations
BTW By the way
IMHO In my humble opinion
IMNSHO In my not so humble opinion
IOW In other words
IRL In real life
ITRW In the real world
LOL Laughing out loud (That's my favorite lol)
OTF On the floor [Laughing]
ROTFL Roll on the floor laughing (I'm familiar with ROFL)
WRT With regard to
YMMV Your mileage may vary
<g> or <G> Grin
<bg> Big grin

-So that was the second table onward!-

My summary: It talks about when you rant lol. Apparently you put FLAME ON before your rant. When you are finished you put FLAME OFF and resume normal discourse.

Now on to the best thing ever that some people never understand!
My summary: NEVER TYPE IN ALL CAPS LIKE THIS! It's rude like constant shouting. It causes people to not listen like ITRW (refer to table 2) All caps may be used occasionally and in moderation for emphasis! :-)


I found it funny because most of these emoticons and abbreviations I haven't seen. If you have well good for you! The last two parts were just added because this is my journal and I can. Well hope that made you laugh like it did me. See ya! IMNSHO You should have liked that because it's awesome.
April 1st, 2008 at 10:43pm