OK OK OK...screw spell check if you cant read this get over it I'm too lazy and PISSED to check for "spelling errors" so fuck you.

i am pissed....I'm so freaking tired of people and there mistakes...not simple ones but the ones that affect life... which is every single on!!

THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU do! it affects the next breath, it carries the heartbeat beside you. one kiss leads to your next baby. one drink leads to your freaking kidney one tear drop leads to one broken heart

what wrong with the world, why is pain so common Why is the breaths within the lung so caught by the trees that supposedly create the oxygen.

where is the beating within the human body..that same frigging heart that feeds the blood of hate.

I'm sick of the world I'm sick of mothers telling there daughter that your not worth it. I'm tired of fathers making promises and then letting them down like the fucking breach in a water fall.. PEOPLE BREATHE, TAKE THE DEEP BREATH AND LIVE....DO NOT LIVE FOR YOUR SELF !BUT live for the woman on the street who never took that breath. think for that kid at school who sits silent because there thoughts are full..

and you know what i am pissed.
don't cheat on your boyfriend.....or girlfriend ...fucking break up with them rather give them the pain of rejection.,..its better trust me. don't pretend be true....when you are true to your self you are true to the wold. you know what I HATE THE WORLD be cause you are all a bun h of selfish stupd ungrateful sick everything and you know what...


so stand with me , sit with me no.....breathe with me because just one breath can be your next life and spare the hate of of the world.

i am not perfect hell knows it..just look at my spelling..i suck at it!
but i m lazy....but i love an di hate and i am conceded and too hyper...i think i am fat even i run 30 miles a week...i smile even though my heart cried.....i i where white and yellow and happy colors even though my blood is black...i am the girl the t everyone loves..i am the girl that every thinks her life is perfect... but am the one who is crying at night...and only telling her best friend...only telling the character in her latest chapter..i think i suck at writing.....i think i cant sing even though i sing every freaking week....i think i am ugly i look in the mirrow with hate.

and yet...i don't think all of this with the mask i i have spent my life coloring..but i cant do it i cant wear the mask... an I need help


but first breathe.
April 2nd, 2008 at 02:25am