Interesting facts that are more on people that noone's really heard of.....

Tesla was robbed. He was. Truly. If you don't know who Tesla was, well then, wikipedia his name. It's just so much easier to say that than to go on and on about him and you still not care. Anyway, he was around during the time of Edison. And Edison cheated him out of a bunch of money after Tesla had worked hard fixing Edison's stuff. Oh and Tesla is really the one who invented the radio. Yep. Tesla was screwed over by all the Americans (no offense to my own people)....Oh, and Tesla was in love with a pigeon, like "when a man loves a woman" love. And that little snippet of a fact is why my friend Brandon knows who Tesla was.

I think that Philip Pullman had it right when he talked about love. He once said, "Being in love was like China: you knew it was there, and no doubt it was very interesting, and some people went there, but I never would. I'd spend all my life without ever going to China, but it wouldn't matter, because there was all the rest of the world to visit." That's great. You learned something new.

Hmm...who else is there?

Oh, William Woodsworth -- remember him? -- was in a threesome relationship with his wife and his sister. Shocking, I know. Perhaps those daffodils of his had something in them....

Ooh....bad accidents.

Author Libba Bray survived a terrible car crash at the age of 18 and she went on after 13 surgeries to be great. I suppose it is good that she lived and went on to write; otherwise, I'd never have known Gemma Doyle and, in turn, Kartik and magic.

Frida Kahlo was another person who was involved in a bad accident. Hers involved a bus and a metal rail...I don't really want to go into depth on that one. Pretty much, to sum it up, Kahlo's childhood sucked. Interestingly enough, she also lied about her age, saying she was three years younger and born in 1910, when the Mexican Revolution began. That was so she could connect better with the MR. Anyway, she went on to be a good enough artist to be included in my Spanish book.

And I think that's 1) all the people I just learned about or 2) all the people I find interesting. Well, not really, I think there are a lot of interesting people.....but the above people I am currently thinking about.
April 2nd, 2008 at 06:37am