"Rich guys drivin' big SUV's while kids are starving in the streets-It doesn't make sense to me"

I hate the way America is.
I'm not saying I'm COMPLETELY loyal to Canada or anything, but if you ask me
it's all of this half the world... look at this...

If you have Money in the bank
(or your parents do)
a little in your pocket
(or in your sock drawer)
and change in a bowl somewhere...

Dont believe me? Look it up
The world is impovrished, even if we are surrounded by Midde-Class families and Millionare Moviestars.
And I'm not pointing any fingers but I will generalize here...
America is selfish
If we dont have the right comforts of home, etc. we are 'sub-class'
There are Children in Africa drinking water that will be their death sentance and dying of hunger...
okay,everyone knows about starving Africans..what about people in the Phillipinnes who have never seen a doctor, overpopulated orphanages in China where liitle tiny babies' hands are tied down so they cant knock away their bottles and so later in life have to LEARN to use their arms...people who cant feed their children in Mexico?

Right here, in Middle-class America...
Natural disaster victims, pregnant teens, misunderstood kids with disorders, people on the streets that would love some of that food you just threw away without thinking...

There is so much we could do, even just kids and young adults, while we rush home to catch our TV show on cable and eat a dinner that is at least more than what half the world gets...

Does it make you feel like a loser if you're not already doing somthing to leave the world a better place when you go?
If not...you're obviously a heartless incompassionate bitch and I hate you.

that was a joke but I mean, saving the Animals is awesome...
but if you saw a limping puppy and took care of it, why wouldn't you do at least the same for a CHILD????

You just have to be careful if you get involved internationally, make sure if you send food money or sposer a kid it actually gets to where it's supposed to without Organization or Government deduction...
Save The Children is awesome, and Anything created by the Billy Grahm foundation should be fine...

I feel bad
Cuz I'm so surrounded by stuff
And I'm so worried getting MORE stuff and
Making MYSELF feel better and happier
I dont always consider
Everyone else who is worse off
who could use my help
who isn't as lucky as me...

If you have the oppertunity to help, count yourself lucky
A lot of people who have the compassion dont have the resorces to help
April 2nd, 2008 at 06:26pm