
Yes, I am a total geek/nerd. And I give myself this label so I really don't care if you label me that. Anyway I adore math and science and so today in bio class my friend and I were discussing black holes and weird 4th dimension stuff. We decided that black holes are in 1D (we live in 3D for those of you who don't know the obvious teehee) and stuff gets sucked in to fill up the space that technically isn't even there thus becoming not there anymore... What we couldn't decide is where does it go?????

Oh one more geeky question, not that anyone will actually respond, but my friend brought up this idea that maybe the world started as some crazy science experiment. I mean you know how just about every historical text mentions something about a huge flood... What if that was a way to try to get rid of this science experiment because they saw how if was getting out of hand and now we're just slowly killing ourselves because the environment they made for us is malfunctioning... Call me crazy if you like, but it's totally controversial and I love it.
April 3rd, 2008 at 12:26am