Censorship & Originality

What is this moronic deal with people these days?
No one is allowed to be original except for themselves. Selfish pricks, the lot of us. I mean, really, if I think your poem/song sucks, why can't I tell you? I'm sorry, but after reading 100 poems of the same "I LOVE HER SO MUCH OMG" tripe, it gets tiresome. It's QUITE alright if you hate my writing, and please tell me. Humans are such touchy creatures.

And ANOTHER thing : I have NOTHING against the bands Fall Out Boy or My Chemical Romance. I may not LIKE their music, but I can't hate the musicians or the band. Therefore, I cannot hate the people who choose to worship the ground they walk on. You hear, that fanboys/girls around the world! I DON'T HATE YOU! But, honestly, please, it's not healthy to make that band your life! I can understand that the band had a deep impact on your life, but why do you care so much about the musicians' lives?! :S Enlighten me, because I don't even KNOW what the members of Tool do beyond their music, except Maynard being in Puscifer. I don't know which ones are married. I mean, I'll take an interest in their outside work if I hear about it through the Tool site, but I don't post bulletins exclaiming to my friends how cool they are and how happy I am for them.


I worry about people, when all they can do is close-mindedly listen to one band repeatedly, and believe everything else is terrible. Also, when someone INSULTS the above-mentioned bands, the fans seem to take it SO personally! You'd think they were insulting your mother. You can't make any ONE thing your life, because then once it's gone, so are you.

Be your own person. Don't follow the crowd.

Deaf and Blinded, Dumb and Born to Follow, What You Need is Someone Strong to Guide You...

Your Resident Public Opiate
April 3rd, 2008 at 05:58am