The Three Days of Grace

Okay so last night i went to a Three Days Grace concert with Breaking Benjamin and Seether. And may i just it was the BEST FUCKING DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!

Okay so this stupid poser punk crap band called Never Set started the show. ( I didn't like them at all!) After they were done screaming and being bizarre, Seether came on. If you haven't see Seether live then I suggest you do because they do an amazing live show. Shaun Morgan(Lead singer of Seether) played a bunch of songs. During one song these wierd people dressed in really bad drag came on stage and were like taking over the show. It was pretty hysterical. One of the "girls" walked over the Shaun and hugged him around his waist and like was "molesting" him basically. After that little thing Shaun comes up the microphone and says "That was some crazy shit! That was really bad dressing in drag. Although they would make some really hott girls. .... I feel violated." It was pretty hysterical. When they played 'Fake It' my friend and I were screaming the words as loud as we could. It was amazing. When they played the song 'Broken' Adam of Three Days Grace came out and did the backup part in the song. It was an awesome song. Oh, and I was in the mosh pit with my friend so when it got rowdy and rolling there was some serious moshing. But... back to the concert.

After they changed the set Breaking Benjamin came out. They opened up with "Diary of Jane" that was a good song. Breaking Benjamin is really amazingly awesome live. It was awesome to hear them. Shaun Morgan came back on stage and sprayed Silly String on Benjamin it was funny. Shaun Morgan walked off stage for a while. Then Breaking Benjamin played 'Breath.' (Just a side note: I will mention Shaun a lot because he wouldn't get off the stage.) Then Shaun comes back on the stage and with someone else from Seether and they are dressed like cowboys and are carrying a sign that says "Brokeback Benjamin." That was hysterical. :-) Then they drapped the sign over Benjamin( Lead singer of Breaking Benjamin) and walked to the other side of the stage. Shaun walked back over and and kisses the back of Benjamin's neck, Benjamin then lifts his leg up and Shaun grabbed Benjamin's crotch. That was funny kind of because its like yaoi. haha.

Breaking Benjamin finished with some song I didn't know then they went to intermission. During intermission they set up Three Days Grace's set and it was pretty sick. After intermission Three Days Grace's drummer comes out and starts playing the drums for a song. Then eventually the whole band came out and Adam started singing 'Animal I have Become.' Everyone was singing the words and screaming. It was pretty awesome. While playing some slower song Shaun Morgan comes back out and sprays silly string all on Adam's head. When I Hate Everything about you was played the whole mosh pit screamed the lyrics along with every other song that was played.

My favorite songs played by Three Days Grace were Animal I Have Become and Riot.
April 3rd, 2008 at 02:49pm