
i actually got to sleep last night. bear in mind that it was past 5am and i can sleep from about 5am onwards (unless i manage to wake up real early - that being about 8-9am).

and i had my first dream in ages.

we were at school in a sort of...concert thing. we'd got a couple of bands and stuff together to play for the day or something, and then the last act was jack's mannequin. i couldn't believe it and i couldn't breathe properly. i was just like, standing there speechless.

so they're starting to play "everything in transit" in its entirety and i'm there mouthing all the words and then when we're at "dark blue", i just start to really sing it and my the time it's ended, i'm shouting the lyrics. no-one else is; no-one else knows about jack's. i'm happy about it - and i'm kinda happy in real life about no-one else in town actually knowing about jack's apart from me rambling.

"suicide blonde" is played and then i think it was "rescued" or "la la lie" to finish. (: so then i'm like, about to go home and there's andrew behind me so i tilt my head back and i'm like "you're a genius." or something along those lines and he's like "but i've done nothing for it!" and i just look at him and then walk away, lolz.

and then there was a second day where i'm also about to go home and then andrew's like five people behind me and i just smile, getting out my ipod and then bike and putting on dark blue, and i just ride out of the grounds shouting out the lyrics and then there's these two kids also on their bikes and i shout out stupid stuff to them. i then realize i'm going at like 70 or something so i'm like "craaap i don't want to put my feet on the ground, they'll think that i'm a wimp!" so i'm real scared and i realize i have brakes on the bike so i use them, and then me and one of the other kids were like fighting or something and then i just ride away back home, listening to dark blue. (:

magical, y/y?
April 3rd, 2008 at 03:10pm