
Well today we had gym, dancing ugh!, and afterwards, I was waiting for a friend. All of a sudden another friend, who is big..I hate to be mean, but...anyway! She comes and sits right on my stomach and chest, now I can't breathe and have sharp pains in my lower chest. UGH!! And I was being dumb and stuck an eraser that goes on the top of your pencil on my lips and my whole buttom lip is bruised. That doesn't hurt or anything...but MY LIP IS PURPLE!!! It looks like hickies...and of course people had to announce that to my entire homeroom. Oh, and I got called fat, a dumbass, a hoe, and a couple other things by none other than the wonderful Brennan...sarcasm in that sentence was UNBELIEVEABLE!! and I don't know if I spelt that right...unbelieveable..pssh, now I have to find a dictionary.

I'm done ranting about my day...
April 13th, 2007 at 10:44pm