"My Hips Swing A Little Too Much When I Walk; I Am A Manly Man"

Nick Ploof just may be my hero right now. His forensics piece is da BOMB.

"...tight shirts and my hips may swing a little too much when i walk but i *stomps* am a manly man"

goes on to include

"and i eat emo pansies like you for breakfast [insert lots of other words]... and makes me realize oh wait, i'm emo."

and that, my dear, is called cannibalism, which is frowned upon by some cultures.

why did i point out these completely useless lines? for a bit of humor in our lives.

Today: I worried about Kyle and Holly, swore at the hurdles, glared at the boy I love, lost all writing inspirations once inside me, forgot simple square roots, almost fell asleep in geometry AND... lost two friends. now ain't that something special?

so... what i really made this entry for was to ask you all [if anyone will read this] to pray for Kyle. doesn't matter when you read this because he will probably still be in the hospital when you do. Kyle Phillips of Plainwell Michigan was in Marquette for a snowboarding competition when he fell and hit his head twice. he's now in intensive care in Marquette. at first he had to be put in a drug induced coma, and right now they're lessening doses to try and get him to wake up. all we've gotten so far is his temperature going up and he was able to move his hand, but at least it's something. i need you guys to pray alot for him, to at least have him wake up so he can be back in Plainwell and we won't have to wait for his family to e-mail every night.

it would be wonderful if you could pray for Holly too, although it's not as necessary. but she has been having problems with blacking out because of stress and low blood sugar/pressure... at least, that's what they think. let's hope they can find the cause soon.

what do i need?
a laugh
a smile

a good story to settle down to

i'm asking you guys to pray for those two people, and to send me a few story links here and there to the really good ones. i don't care who it's about, i don't care what it's about, what the rating is... i need my writing ability back.

if you read this, thank you so much =]
April 3rd, 2008 at 11:05pm