You make me sick to my stomach, little man.

My photography teacher is the worst person on the face of the planet.

He told my parents a long series of lies when he met with them yesterday, so they came home and yelled at me about how dreadful all my grades are. I dislike confrontations at the best of times, but having had four hours of sleep and then spent a further six cooped up in the back of a coach, I ended up getting so pissed off that I cried. They felt suitably bad about it and apologized.

It turns out he told them that I am so far behind that he lost count of the weeks, which is a bullshit lie because I handed my book in and all I have to do is mount a couple of images. He also told them that I put something snide on the late students sheet (which he only decided to introduce because OFSTEAD are in this week) which was also a lie.

So he said that I have to hand my work in today, which would have been fine were it not for the fact that he has no paper or mounting card. Apparently, this is entirely my fault for being so far behind. In the end, he found eight sheets lying around and demanded that I pay him for it then and there. He knows damn well that I have no money, and that besides he's more than happy to let his favourites use the paper and pay him later. Some girl owes him £40 and it just doesn't bother him. If he had given me everything I needed, I would owe him half of that and be able to pay him this Monday... but he decided to get pissy about it anyway.

I just hate him. I cannot physically stand to be within two meters of him.

Oh! He also insists that I've still got a camera that I borrowed ages ago. I gave that back to him. I gave him it but told him that I'd be coming back to get it later. Granted, in fairness I did forget to pick it up so it just got left with him, but that's no reason for him to lose the goddamn thing and blame me. I got an email today asking me to bring it back. How the hell am I supposed to bring back something that some twat lost?

There's no one in the world makes me as angry as he does. I know it doesn't sound that bad, but it's just all the little things he does that build up into this staggering wall of like... I don't even know. He's so much of an asshole that words fail me.
April 4th, 2008 at 06:26pm