And the reason people should stop reproducing is...

Fucking HATE them! Dx<
And their stupid parents!

Asshole parents with asshole children.
No! it’s not okay to just tell your kids to run off to the kids clothing section, then spend two hours picking out clothing for yourself!
What are they going to do?
Get bored, thats what.
And then they trash the place.
And whos cleaning up their mess? Oh, that’d be me.

When I was a kid, we put our shit BACK.
Thats what we got beaten into us by our parents who spent 10 minutes in a shop because they didn’t WANT us trashing shops out of boredom.
And they didnt want to CLEAN UP.
Because MY mother WOULD HAVE cleaned up the mess her asshole children left.
Because she has values, and respect.

Kids today? No fucking respect.
This kid picked up a skirt, and, right in front of me literaly went ’Hmm’ and just threw it between the racks of clothing.
You cant tell she gets that from her lazy sow of a mother, can you?
April 5th, 2008 at 09:32am