meeting Mikey Way

This is my story of how I met (and was hugged by) Mikey Way. I’m going to tell it the way I tell all of my stories – which is to say, in a long and rambling manner. I find details to be both interesting and important. If you don’t, feel free to skip it. I’ll try to keep logical paragraph breaks so that you can skim easily. :cute: This won’t be a review of the shows: I’ll write those up separately (probably Monday).

To begin with, you have to know about MCRime (a.k.a. My Chem Crime). Most importantly, it’s not a fan site. It’s a community of fans dedicated to making the world a better place in the name of My Chemical Romance. It’s made up of people who feel that MCR has done so much for us, both individually and as a group, that the least we can do is to give something back, if not to the band then to one another and the world. We have done big things like running a drive for Locks of Love to benefit cancer patients and raising money for California wildfire victims. We have also done things for people on a more individual level, making donations for soldiers stationed overseas during the holidays and sending kids to MCR shows they wouldn’t be able to attend otherwise. Maybe most importantly, we’re there for one another, through chats and blogs and message boards, the goal is to make sure that no one EVER feels like they’re alone. If we don’t have anything else in common, we have our love for this band and this music and that unites us. I’m proud of MCRime and the things we have accomplished. I’m proud to call Warden Becks my friend and I’m proud to be a Felon for Life.

I went to the My Chem show at the Joint inside the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino on Sunday, March 30, 2008 with my husband and my brother. The venue holds 1,400 people and it was packed! The floor in front of the barrier (where I was, of course) was pretty wild – one of the more tightly packed crowds in which I’ve been. They put on, as if there was any doubt, a fantastic show. My brother and I managed to make our way from about twelve people back up to three people from the barrier. That’s not bad, but it wasn’t good enough for me. I learned that the Joint was giving out wristbands to the first hundred people that showed up in the morning and set my mind on being one of them. After the show and an hour getting out of the parking garage, we drove almost two hours home, dropping my brother at his house at 2:30 am. Pity the poor boy; he had to get up at 5:30 for school in the morning!

I was kind and let my husband sleep until 9:30 the morning of March 31 before insisting that he get up and drive me back to Vegas before noon so that I could get my wristband. I got number 76 (my husband got 78 ). The show started at seven, doors opened at six, and Security told me to be there about five. After killing a few hours (easy to do in Vegas even if you don’t gamble – which I don’t ::tongue:), we lined up. I brought 200 MCRime flyers to pass out and hit every person in line from five to 5:30 pm. Security stopped and asked to see what I was passing out. I showed them the flyer and gave them my MCRime spiel. They told me it was fine as long as I took responsibility for the flyers and picked up any that got thrown on the floor. I told them I’d be happy to do that because MCR fans wouldn’t throw them on the floor anyway. Heck, people were asking me for flyers just because they had a picture of the band at the top. I watched everyone pocket the flyers and didn’t see one thrown away all night, even after the show! (Yet again, you all make me so proud to be a part of such an amazing fandom!)

Another thing you need to know… My husband does NOT enjoy being down in the crush of people at shows. He’s a big guy – six feet three inches tall and broad-shouldered. He looks quite intimidating, but he’s really a giant teddy bear, quite shy until he gets to know you and he wouldn’t hurt a fly. I think that’s why he really doesn’t like the floor, he’s afraid of hurting someone. On top of that, he has ADHD so he hates standing still for so long. He’d rather hang out back by the bar, watch the show and wander around a little. I’m good with that and he’s good with me trying to get as close to the barrier as I can. We both have fun in our own way and he always meets me with a glass (or two) of ice water when the show is over.

At 5:30, Security pulled everyone with wristbands out of line and lined us up inside in numerical order. At about 5:45, they let us in the venue. I was standing dead-center of the stage, right in front of Gerard’s microphone, with only two people between me and the barrier. It was a beautiful view and I knew I’d end up closer if I was patient. I began chatting with those around me and handing out flyers to anyone I had missed when I heard my name called. I turned to see my husband standing about four people behind me and gesturing wildly for me to come to him. Was he joking?! I had an excellent spot that I was not about to give up! I shook my head violently “no,” but he just gestured more frantically. I looked at him like he was stupid, but when he went from crooking his finger to waving his entire hand; I knew that I had to see what was wrong. I looked at those around me and told them to hold my place as best they could because I WOULD be back.

When I got to my husband, I gave him an exasperated, “What?!” I didn’t receive a response. Instead he grabbed my wrist and began striding purposefully toward the exit. Now, I’m only five feet six inches and I have short legs even for that height so I was practically jogging to keep up. Again, I asked him, “What?!” This time I got a harshly whispered answer, “Mikey is out here.” I was shocked to say the least, but it seemed far too good to be true! I said, “I’m sure he’s gone by now,” but my husband just kept dragging me along.

What I didn’t know was exactly how amazing my husband is! He was wandering around and saw Mikey with his bodyguard just outside the venue. (At this point, it was still ten minutes before the doors would officially open). He called out, “Mikey!” and, as he tells it, when Mikey turned around he absolutely froze. He regained just enough composure to shake his hand, tell him that we enjoyed the show, and then… well, then he did the thing that will keep him in my good graces forever. He asked, “Are you going to be here for a minute?” Mikey said that he was meeting some friends and would be by the ticket counter for a few minutes. My husband said, “Please stay there for a few minutes while I go get my wife. I just have to bring her and let her meet you.” In case anyone doesn’t realize, let me spell it out – my husband who is normally too shy to speak to strangers asked Mikey Way to wait while he pulled me out of the crowd just so that I could meet him and Mikey Way agreed to do it! (Can I please faint now?!)

As we step outside the door, I am greeted by Mikey. Allow me to be a total teenie fangirl here and say that he is every bit as perfect and beautiful in real life as he appears in photos, videos, and on stage. He was wearing his “Mikey Fuckin’ Way” shirt (which he wore for the concerts both nights). I shook his hand and told him, “You guys are amazing.” And honestly, I was happy. That’s all I really want – just to look these men in the eyes, shake their hands, and tell them that I think they are amazing. Anything else is just icing.

Mikey thanked me and said, “Did you have something for me to sign?” That’s when I showed him my MCRime flyer. He started reading it and asked, “What is this all about?” I gave him a somewhat shorter version of the explanation in the second paragraph above. Halfway through he started nodding and, as I finished, he asked, “Can I have this?” “Of course,” I laughed. And Mikey Way took the MCRime flyer (just like the one in the picture), folded it and put it in his pocket as he said, “That’s awesome! I will definitely be checking that out!” Then he took my stack of flyers and a blue ball point pen that we grabbed from the ticket counter and signed one for me. He wrote, “Thanks for the love! Mikey” As he was finishing, he asked my name which he then wrote across the picture (so it doesn’t really show up well in the scan, but it’s there and I can see it).

I knew the doors would be opening any minute and he had friends he wanted to speak with, so I figured it was time to leave him alone. I couldn’t resist shaking his hand one more time, though. I told him that last night’s show had been wonderful and I was really looking forward to tonight’s. He smiled, took my hand as if to shake it, but then reached out with his other arm and engulfed me in a gigantic hug. I’m very proud of myself for staying composed and not bursting into tears or screams. And maybe it doesn’t mean much to anyone else, but to me it’s major that I didn’t throw myself upon him, but rather Mikey reached out to hug me. *sigh*

That’s the story. I floated back into the venue where I ended up one person behind the barrier after Billy Talent played. The girl in front of me barely came up to my chin, so I couldn’t have had a better view. If anything, the Monday show was even better than Sunday’s – I think that a night spent in a real bed without traveling did them all good. But mostly I’m thrilled with the autograph and the hug. I’m so happy that Mikey recognized that MCRime shows our love for the band as well as for each other and the world. I hope that he visits the site soon and regularly and that he finds all of us as inspiring as I find all of you.

If you made it through this entire novella, I’m impressed. I hope you enjoyed reading my story as much as I enjoyed living it.

xox Adora xox
05 April 2008

April 6th, 2008 at 01:05am