i don't think i've ever been in so much pain in my life

I went to the surgery center at 7:30 with my mom. Since I’m a minor she had to be there the whole time. Which I feel bad for her cause I was in recovery for 5 hours. The whole thing was a blur, the next thing I know is I’m in the car on the way home. Things went downhill from there, I realized that it wasn’t the side of my throat hurting from the surgery, but the immense swelling of my uvula. It seriously freaked me out. I can barely swallow, and when I do it seizes me with pain whether I’m taking my medicine or not. They say eating ice cream will help, it really doesn’t I can barely get it down. I’m barely drinking any water which I know is super bad for me. But I just cant do it. I can barely swallow my liquid pain medication. I’m starting to think that getting this done was a really bad idea. I only have my spring break to recover, which is only 8 days, so now I’m nervous that I won’t be better by then. The first night
I slept all right, only waking up every 4 hours for my dose of pain medication. I slept propped up, but I had to breathe with my mouth because I couldn’t breathe through my nose. Which made me wake up with an unbelievable dry tongue. Which sucked. My uvula is still huge, and I just want to cry. But I can’t cause even that hurts. I haven’t been able to speak for 3 days now. and when i try it not only hurts but i sound like a deaf person drying to speak.

who has gotton this done and is 15, because i reallly need to know when all this shit is going to stop
April 6th, 2008 at 06:32pm