The Sense of Freedom

This may sound a tad cheesy but this is how I feel and what I want to do!

-MCR FANS- I have a dress that reminds me of Helena's and for some reason for the past few days I have wanted to dress up in it and run and dance down the street. Why? I'm not sure. I suppose the sense of freedom. I want to be able to dress shout/sing MCR lyrics and skip and dance happily down the street on a nice day. To add to the perfect day it may start to rain. Maybe just a drizzle. Then a random cute MCR fan will come out lol.

But really i think I am going to run outside wearing black leggings, my black converse, and my Helena dress. I'll even wear my hair down. I think it's Spring fever and we all know music makes you want to do crazy things. Anyone think I should really do it?

-LOVEZ Gxradxway-
April 6th, 2008 at 07:13pm