ok. so the guy i have been crushing for... since i met him... well, HE ASKED ME OUT ON APRIL 2!!

Its really sweet/cute how he asked me out, but i wont get into any details, since i have to go soon. but in general.. i am accually falling in love.

i know how corny that sounds, but i am. its like he makes me a better person... or complete

its not that he isnt everything i'm not, but he really calms me down a lot, and makes me smile...

His name is Ryan, and he's in 10th grade... 16, and he has blonde-ish hair, deeply blue eyes, taller than me, and an amazing smile. god... i love his smile... it makes me so happy...

his humor is absolutely the best. and we made cookies together.. had a war with flour and ketchup packets. then we went to a wedding. first dates make me laugh.

well, we had our first dance together there. and by our 4th day of dating, we kissed. most of which being iniciated by me. i dont mind. i dont really care... i dont think he knows that when i kiss him its like fire works go off..

i gave him two rings that i have been saving (dont think he knew that one either XD). well, he got me to kiss them, so that (in his words) he "wont miss me as much". said he wont take 'em off either cause they remind him of me..

somehow... i think he and i have a song. untalked of though.
a) Violent Pornography by System of a Down
b) Dashboard by Modest Mouse

either is fine with me.. both remind me of him. that's all that matters to me.

well, i'll be gone for a 3 days. Busch Gardens with my mom. sucks A LOT. cause i wont be with Ryan... but i have to deal with talking to him online and on the phone. sooo... until then....

(spanish) (chinese)
mucho aya,
April 7th, 2008 at 07:41am