i'm bored.

i'm in theology class [yay jesus]
and i'm supposed to be doing reasearch for some term paper
on The Act of Supremacy in 1534
[which is the thing that made King Henry VII the ruler of the English Church].
buuuuttt... that ain't gonna happen.

and i haven't written on here in like, months.
actually, i't been almost two months now that i think about it.
i really oughtta write on here.
i've been writing in my notebook like crazy.
which is a long story.
and i have yet to decide whether i want to post that stuff on here or not,
due to certain people that have account on here and will probably read my journals,
and the awkwardness that will be magnified by the reading of said journals by this peron or persons.
but anyways.

i'm so fucking over high school.
i'm done with this.
i really honestly only come to school for one reason anymore.
the people here.
i come to see my friends,
or my boyfriend.
i wish this was my last year.
thinking of next year makes me sick.

yesertday was so much fun.
i went on, like, a two hour ride with my boyfriend on his boss' harley;
he's getting a buell soon.
i'm kind of excited.
i wish everyday could just be like that.
no responsibility,
just doing whatever the hell i want to
and not having to worry about school.
fucking lame.

that's what i'm about today.
i give up on school;
i can't wait for summer.
should prove to be interesting.

April 7th, 2008 at 06:15pm