hi de hi de hi de hiii

hehehehe im hyper and have nothing better to do... im kinda paranoid right now though cause of this aim chat i had with this guy who was as he put it "horny" and he kept asking for a picture of me and i was like NOO! and yeah..i think it is offical. i am a band geek. like compkete and total band geek. i spend my lunches in the band room. not always practicing but doing band like stuff. and jazz band. im also in band council. wow. can you say loser? ha we are doing this wendys thing whre like half of the money goes to us and so me and all the other band geeks are going to go dance infront of the store and see a movie. either prom night or horton hears a who. yeah. OMG! i like totally spilt a pair of my pants the other day >.< i was dancing with my sister to the jonas brothers *cough*loser*cough* and i was doing splits and stuff and than i go into a kibidatch [sp?(karate stance)] and they riped. it was soooo bad cause i had to go to karate that night. so i stole my sisters pants. my sister is like 8? ha and i'm 13. we fit into the same pants XD my brother and i could probobly fit into the same shirts. and hes 7. hehe i like little kid clothes. is this considered silly spam? i hope not. just so its not considered spam im gonna say sumthing important.

MCR concert- madison square garden. crappy seats. but my cousin is taking me and 2 friends [christine and danii. christine is my top friend =D] and my dad owes me a shirt and i think im gonna make him buy me something else for making me miss the hockey game with seats of a life time. like 3rd row and free buffet for everyone there. yeah.

if you acctually read this sorry >_<
April 7th, 2008 at 11:01pm