Mr Zdrenka && Green Day

So, after Ray decided that Ellesmere College was too far to travel, which is understandable, but I was disappointed because he was an amazing teacher, and he'd taught me so much, anyway, since he'd left, Mrs Wakelin had been searching like mad for a new tutor that could come out and teach us, which was easier said than done, but she did find someone in the end.
This guy, Mr Zdrenka, who took music in her place for two terms last year, gave me my first experience on an electric guitar, by the way, agreed that he'd be more than happy to come out and teach.
I had my first lesson with him yesterday, and it was actually really good. At first it was a little awkward, I said a couple of things, he asked some completely lame questions, and I gave some evenly lame answers, but what I found really good is that he wasn't just interested in teaching me how to play, but he was also interested in what I wanted to play. I mean, no offence to Ray, but I didn't really find Eric Clapton and The Eagles very exciting, and when he finally found me a Green Day piece, I practised like crazy and blew him away. He actually ended up asking how long ago he'd given in to me, I said a week, which was the truth, and he partly refused to believe I'd only had it for a week.
Anyway! Mr Zdrenka.. can't remember his first name.. I think it's Paul... but that's beyond the point, he wanted to know what music I was into, and what I enjoyed playing. He likes Green Day himself, so he was quite into the idea of giving me plenty of Green Day work, and I'm gonna get him to find me some more MCR because the little riffs off Ultimate Guitar are getting a little old.
Then, he went through my folder, and took a look at my work, and was really impressed that I knew the basic chords, could read chord charts, almost-confidently read music (I can read it, FINALLY, but when I'm not in my bedroom with MCR quietly playing in the background, I get a little nervous and tend to muck everything up.
Last time I saw Ray, he gave me some work on Arpeggio's and Broken chords, and gave me 'Wonderful Tonight" by Eric Clapton, must admit though, it's a beautiful song when it's played right.. but I didn't get very far, and I still couldn't play the song using Arpeggio's, so Mr Zdrenka basically said, pick a song you know well and you're confident with, and how about introducing a basic arpeggio into the chorus, and just strum the verses & bridge. AWESOME!

Also, on the topic of guitar... Stacey, Sharna and I are going to preform at the Stage Challege fundraiser concert next Wednesday, with 'Good Riddance' by Green Day, surprise, surprise. I'm playing the guitar while the lovely ladies sing their little butts off!
It's gonna kick ass, if you want to check out the version Stacey and I recorded last Sunday on my mp3 player, you can check it out on my band's bebo profile:

And remember to sign up as a groupie!

Peace out, LillianLove
April 8th, 2008 at 10:19am