The Note

So okay, I kinda like this girl.
Well I did a lot back a couple months ago.
Now I see her as an amazing friend, and someone I can tell everything to, but like...

I don't know if I see her as the same person as I did back then.
I do, but it seems to have simmered.

Then, yesterday, she gave me this note:

Heyy Allison!(Oi. So weird)

First off, I am writin in pen so expect mistakes. lmao. I'm on a train to Chicago and sitting next to a guy friend. So. This is slightly censored.
On my birthday/around that time, you gave me the heart necklace that I wear every freaking day. (my mom gets upset!) xD. But you also gave me a note.
And what was in the note is what this note is about.
That note raised me way up. Made me really feel loved.
So. You did tell me that you thought you liked me, but also you told me that you liked me in a "mother hen" protective-like thing. (Sorry, it's too early.)
And I've been depressed recently and I wanna find someone to love me and be loved. I guess you know what I mean. And I don't care if you don't love me. I'm not really sure about myself right now either.
And I won't feel bad if you reject this.
But I think that we could be good.
But what am I to say.
It's to hard to say this in fron tof the rest of the pack.
So. If you want... disregard this note.But you could also act on it.
Love, Abi ~xo

and like...
I almost started crying when I read this, cause it's so cute. But I don't know what to do.
April 9th, 2008 at 09:08pm