Hey everyone....just have some stuff on my mind maybe ya'll can help me with it.

Well here I am....alone for now....Not forever...*smirks*...but anyway...I have so many backstabbing friends that i don't really know who to trust these days. One has told a really big secret i'm sure of it...but no one believes them...which relives me...haha...I have a friend who changed completely with her new boyfriend....she likes to call him lover...but she's never had sex to him to call her lover...it irritates me...Arrrr... i mean it get's really just makes me mad when she hangs up on me to talk to him....Who would do that to your friend...you could of at least said....hey i'm gonna let you go and call you back later...not just 'click'... We haven't really talked since...i've been just kind of stearing clear of her.... I have people who say their my friend and act all nice but then when their behind my back their are talking about me.....at least have the balls to say it to my face...come on...i'm getting sick of them acting like we're in fucking high school. I have no idea what to do....the only one i have it my best friend in the fucking world Briana and some on you who know what i'm going threw!...I guess that's all right now...I've decieded to repost my story...again but this time to thier exspectations....I can do it...and right now i need something to get my mind off of shit. Tell me what you guys think. Oh and sorry you had to see this side of me, do you forgive me? *puppy dog eyes*

Much love as always,
April 10th, 2008 at 11:26pm