I have spent this week procrastinating.

So we have two weeks off college, which is fine and dandy.

My teachers have all set coursework deadlines for the week we get back, and considering how far behind I am (mainly because I took a week out for New York, which I don't regret in the slightest) this fortnight off would have been a godsend had I not spent it doing precisely shit all. I haven't even gone out. There was a movie night that became a sleepover on Monday and that was it. Claire was supposed to be doing stuff basically every evening this week but her mum apparently decided not to let her. We are also going to Kadek's this evening but I don't know what we're going to do there. Probably sit and consider playing Singstar, then decide against it and just bumble around being arseheads and laughing at nothing in particular.

Anyway, I was meant to be going up to college at some point this week to finish my photography crap. I have rather left it to the last minute, given that my teacher won't be in next week, and is going home for the weekend in four hours. I'm not even dressed yet. I'll probably wait for my dad to get home and give me a lift, because I don't want to carry four sheets of A1 up to college, particularly not when it looks like it might rain.

Um... oh, and I started doing environmental science, but encountered a spot of bother and then decided to give up altogether. Maybe I should try harder at stuff like this. Quitting early isn't going to get me anywhere, and I need a C to get into university. Geography I just haven't done, because it's essentially a 1500 word essay and that's dead easy... I could get that finished in like an hour.

Oh look, here comes the rain. Told you so.

I can't apply for university housing because my worthless shit of a college turned the intranet off over the holidays so I can't access my emails. I also can't apply for bursaries or anything, so basically I'm going to be poor and homeless at university because my college is run by retards.
April 11th, 2008 at 01:27pm