Spanish Class and People

Amazingly, I think I have moved on from liking Spanish class. It's just irritating me so much that my fellow students won't learn the language. Well, actually it's not even that so much as it pisses me off that they complain. This one girl -- whom I will call Riva -- who sits behind me in class is particularly annoying. (I will now give some examples.)

1 ) "What is she saying?"
2 ) "I don't get this."
3 ) "I'll pay you a peso to do my work for me."
4 ) "I'm bored."
5 ) "Time to go to sleep."
6 ) "What?! This page is in Spanish."
7 ) "I heard the quiz was hard...."
8 ) "She was supposed to be my partner but....."

The first refers to when the profesora is yammering on and on about Raul and Pablo and all these other fictional characters in the activities. True, she does get a bit on the lengthy side, but Riva won't shut up and try to keep up. It aggravates me so much!

Two can be applied to anything we're doing. I think Riva doesn't get anything.

Three occured this last Friday when she didn't want to do her work. Riva was going to pay Juan a peso or two to do her work, but he just let her copy. Oh, and so you know, the pesos are like bonus points we can add to our tests and quizzes.

Four also applies to everything....but that one I can sort of agree on. However, I'm bored because I already know all the vocabulary for the chapter; she's bored because she can't learn it.

She says Five a lot, but I don't think she ever actually goes to sleep. Otherwise, I wouldn't have to hear her bothersome voice.

Six makes me laugh so hard. It should make you laugh too. I mean, come on....what other language would the book be in? Russia maybe? (It would be so hilarious to see her try Russian.)

Seven is said before we take a quiz, obviously. The first time she said that about a test, I was semi-stressing, but not really because I'm brilliant and I just know things (or it could be that Spanish is so easy...). But I made my usual 100....after taking the easiest test so far. Wondering about Riva's grade? Well I can't tell you exact numbers because I don't know but I do know she failed even though she used pesos. That's stupidity right there.

And Eight I can proudly say refers to me. When we first started Spanish earlier this semester, the teacher assigned Riva and me as partners. Apparently, she didn't note our differences, or maybe she was just trying to put us together through our similarities (us both being white girls). Either way.....I don't think we like each other. We're from different sets of people, you know....her from the world of cheerleaders and makeup and other crap I don't care about and me, well, I'm from the land of the nerds, some place I'm sure she's never been. Anyway, Riva was pretty excited to be my partner because she knew that I'm the "smartest in our grade", and I didn't really care who was my partner as long as they didn't affect my grade poorly.

The first few days worked out okay, but my friendship with Jaime was picking up again after the Winter Holidays and I was talking to him in class. Riva has these days when she's in the pissiest moods ever. I have no clue why, but I hate it because I'm not the one who made her that way and she takes her rage/anger/whatever out on everybody. I don't like it when people do that. You should stay mad at what actually made you that way and not the people who didn't. Anyway, on those days I wouldn't do the little flash cards with her. Instead, I'd just review them to myself.

Well, somehow I eventually migrated to be Jaime's partner all the time; I believe that's better anyway because we're practically on the same intellectual plane (oh.....nice phrasing). Jaime and I get the work done and we have fun while doing it. I can't say the same for Riva. But I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me even though I've not really done anything against her.

I'm sure whoever is reading this (?) is tired of me jammering on and on about some girl in my Spanish class. But is my journal and I'm allowed to vent. :) Thanks though if you did read, and especially so if you left a comment.

'Til next time,
~Isabel / Ellis
April 12th, 2008 at 06:09pm