What damn peculiar dreams.

Okay, so two nights ago I had a fairly unremarkable dream.

It started with a bunch of strangers milling around on an underground train that was waiting to leave. The station was massive and I was on the top floor with a bunch of people from college. We were supposed to be on the train downstairs but we were taking it slowly because we figured we were going to miss it regardless of how fast we went.

Then on the fifth floor all of a sudden people were screaming from downstairs, and there was this massive geyser on the first floor just above the train. The floor kind of gave way and all this fire was spewing up out of it, because apparently the train had exploded. The same thing happened all the way up to the roof, taking out this massive section of floor that everyone was falling into.

So yeah, up on the fifth floor we were near an escalator, and that Travis guy from Gym Class Heroes was on it. The floor near it exploded and the escalator fell in so we all legged it. I can only assume Travis was okay because he's a bit of alright and my mind totally wouldn't let him die. xD

Anyway, I went down the fire exit really fast and lost everyone else, then when I got outside everyone was really calm except me. Lucy was there having a cigarette with a bunch of other people, and she told me not to go home because the principal wanted us to go back inside in a minute for a talk to make sure everyone was okay. I told her to tell him he could shove that idea right up his arse, then I woke up.

Then last night, or maybe this morning, I kind of dreamt the sequel. I was with Noel Fielding and we were like on the floor underneath the one that the train blew up on. All the metal overhead was warped and there were bodies everywhere, and a couple of people in fluorescent jackets with torches looking for survivors.

We were looking for Russell Brand, because apparently he was on the train that blew up and we figured he would be alright - because he is dead sexy and therefore obviously immortal.

Anyway, we were looking for him, like knocking on the metal to see if he was stuck somewhere in the wreckage. We found him a long while later and it was dreadful. e__e He was all burnt up and gross. Burns are bad enough at the best of times, but he was like black and fucking crispy, and he was also Russell Brand. There are no words for how devastated I would be if I really saw him like that. xD

So yeah, we were (in the dream) understandably quite sad. We went outside and cried a great deal. It was quite a miserable dream, actually. Russell Brand was dead and Noel Fielding was really fucking upset.

Then some reporter came past and she was like, "You people are pathetic," and that made us cry more, and then I woke up.

Obviously the weirdest dream I've had in a while.

I figured I'd go back to sleep, because it was like 9am, and then I had another slightly peculiar dream with zombies! I have forgotten most of the details, actually.

Started out in a house somewhere, in a friendly neighbourhood where we were all having a massive party. This was because there were zombies around and we figured we were going to die anyway, so why not die wasted. Only these zombies had been around for a while and we were used to them, and they mostly ignored us because we were in the woods.

There was this girl, and she was a ballet dancer, and I lived with her and her parents. One day she got bitten by a zombie and obviously turned into one, and she was attacking her parents. At one point her dad was attacking her and like slamming her into the ceiling, because they were like the zombies in 28 Days Later. You know, the really fucking angry ones, and he was angry that she had turned him into a zombie.

So I ran outside, and some guy from my geography class was drinking beer with a friend on the hill. I went to sit with him for a while, and let the neighbours deal with the zombies in my house. In the end everyone decided the neighbourhood was unsafe and that we should leave. I was just about to go, when I realized that I needed my credit card to top my phone credit up... but my credit card was in the house with the zombies.

I asked Bean to come in with me to get it, but she said no, so I decided not to bother and just stick with her. We went with this massive group for a while, and then we came to a big store where they said they'd keep an eye on us for the night. It was good for a second, but then "the Others" appeared on the horizon.

They were basically zombies that were really fucking mental. Absolutely batshit. For those of you who've seen Firefly or Serenity, imagine Reavers but worse. So we had this plan, and there were all these burly men downstairs to kill the Others or funnel them through the shop and back outside. Everyone else went upstairs fast, because the Others were really close, and we followed the corridor around until we came to a corner that led to the stairs downstairs. The Others were coming up, so we stepped back and hid, and assumed they'd take the same route round that we did.

They did, and so we ran downstairs while they were upstairs, and then I don't remember what happened but I woke up a while later. xD
April 13th, 2008 at 12:33am