Dream about a Carnival that scared the piss out of me....what does it mean?

ok so
I had this dream and its buggen the crap out of me
it scared me so much and i cant get it out of my head
my friends think it means something but...
well you decide

ok here it goes

I'm walking through an abandoned carnival, the rides are broken, the trees are dead and wilting, and the sky is a creepy greenish color like before a tornato and its windy.
I walk past a game stand that has one of those prerecorded voices and when i walk passed
it screams, "Come on over and try your luck to win a prize...dont be shyyyyyyyyy......"
then i hear a creepy tune coming from a music box
like the carnival tune
but its low and slow like its taunting me to go deeper into the forgoten carnival
then my feet take me to the Hall of Mirrors
before i go in i hear the prerecorded voice
"go on in and take a chance at luck...dont be shyyyyyyyyyyy"
I walk through
when i get in its pitch black and the music is gone
all i hear is my uneven heavy breathing
Then theres a spot light and I see a single mirror
I walk over and i see myself
I have a hospital gown on that goes up past my knees
I'm pasty sickly white
I have black around my eyes
but the scary part is, Im bruised all over and i have two long gashes along my wrist and a hand print along with scratches on my neck.
I was dragging along an IV stand that was attached to my arm...it was giving me blood
I looked at the mirror and began going deeper into the hall of mirrors
The next mirror I see my mother is standing beside me
shes shaking her head as if she dissapointed and starts to cry
I try to tell her Im okay but it was like she couldnt hear me
I looked over to her but she wasnt standing beside me like the mirror showed
she was IN the mirror.
Then I walk to the next mirror and my Father is crying and sobbing and saying it was his fault and he shouldn't have let me go and it was his fault Im gone.
I was scared and tryed to reach out to him but he couldnt hear, see or feel me
The next one was my little brother
he was terrified and was huddled in the corner. he kept saying "what am i gonna do? shes gone" over and over again until he finally started crying
The next mirror was my Papa and he was so sad...it was like the happiness that he has so much of was sucked out of him...he looked older....and he couldnt believe i was gone...he said that he shouldnt have to see his grandchild go 6ft underground
Then there was my Aunt Carol, shes a minister and she was saying a speech or something..she said "I can not believe that he would take a girl with so much happieness and so much goodness in her heart, the world seems darker now and a little bit meaner with out her."
Then i saw my cousin and my grandpas girlfriend, they were in separet mirrors but the had the same reactions...they were shocked
Then I saw my friend Ashley's mom...I call her bev, momma bong....shes like my mom
anyway...she had tears in her eyes and she was trying to hold herself together
she said "shes gonna make someone happy up there...shes gonna make them laugh...and now i feel save knowing that shes up there watching down on us...god I love her"
Then I reached the end of the hall and there was a HUGE mirror that took up the entire wall.
There were my closest friends all dressed uo and sitting in a row of fold out chairs.
I started at the right and worked my way over.
First was my friends Erin and Rachel
Rachel was crying histaricly and was holding on to Erin for support
she was saying "I never called her, I never got to say good bye!"
and Erin was saying "whos gonna laugh with me? how am i ever gonna laugh again?"
next was my friend John and he was slouching in his chair playing his psp halfheartedly
he was like he was lost..."whos gonna style my hair in the morning? who am i gonna talk to?"
then there was my best friend Ashley...she was in COMPLETE denial
she was staring at the ground and was mumbling "shes not gone....she cant be...GOD DAMN IT SHES NOT GONE!! SHES NOT GONE.....DAMN IT ALENE THIS ISNT FUNNY WAKE UP!!!"
I tryed to calm her down but no one could hear me then i started crying when I saw who was sitting by her...he tried to comfort her but she pushed him away and he got up...
the last person was my ex boyfriend
the first person I ever fell in love with
He had tear stained cheeks and new tears in his eyes when Ashley started screaming
His face was strong...his lips were at a small line trying to hold back sobs
he was all dressed up and groomed...he looked amazing
He got up and walked closer to the mirror and looked down
then he took one of those pre cry breaths and calmed himself
Then he started to whimper
"I cant believe shes gone...I had so much to tell her....and i blew it...now its to late...."
one tear escaped from his hard staring eye...
then he looked straight at me with his peircing Blue eyes
it was like he could see me
I said...what did you need to tell me? what were you gonna say? Im right here...tell me!
I reached out and put my hand against the mirror
Then i heard the creepy music box music and i felt scared
His lips streched out In a small small smile
his eyes warmed
and he said
"I can't believe your gone"
then in seconds as my dream was ending I heard a bass drum BOOM and a high pitch beeeep
and then I woke up

That dream TERRIFIED me
and i cant stop thinking about it
what do you think i means??
April 14th, 2008 at 02:18am