I fell, killed my leg, and I blame the Strokes for it!

OKay well being a klutz runs in my family! It wasn't a big deal but when I was walking back from my friend's I fell. I saw the lift in the sidewalk but I still fell. My whole right leg is scraped up. Very sad.


OKay A LOT OF BLOOD!!!! "I gave you blood, blood, blood" It's still gushing (ok that's an exaggeration) still is coming out though. My sock stuck to a small cut at the bottom. That kinda hurt, Still stings too!

It's the Strokes fault because on my MP3 (which pwns Ipods) it was playing Juicebox by The Strokes. BLAMING THEM!!!! >:(

Yes, it isn't THAT bad but it does hurt. I cleaned up, a bit. No infection, Thank God!

Oh then "Pain" by Three Days Grace came on. LOL Oh to the irony.

Well hope you enjoyed my complaining!

PS I hate being a klutz. I WAS JUST WALKING!

-Current song: Bloody Valentine by Good Charlotte. LOL
April 15th, 2008 at 01:14am