
Ok I have nightmares all the time. at the begining of the school year we were asked to write scary stories so i used one of my nightmares and here it is...i kind of tweaked the end a little.

One quiet little girl, with blonde hair and blue eyes. No one would expect it. She was home alone, or at least she thought she was. It was a Friday night; her mother was away for the weekend. She was in her room doing her homework. It was completely quiet, when she heard someone walking up the stairs. “Whose there?” she screamed. There was no answer and the foot steps stopped so she decided to continue with her homework.
About twenty minutes later her door went flying open. A man came in; he had grey hair, glasses, and a big belly. It was her step-father; he said “Dinner is ready. Come eat,” he had a monotone voice. After they ate she went back up to her room to finish her homework. She felt tired; she fell asleep in the middle of writing her vocabulary sentences.
When she woke up she was in a dark room. After she had been screaming for what seemed to be hours, the lights came on. The walls were made of stone, the floor was dirt, and the ceiling wasn’t very high, maybe 5 feet. She was tethered to a pole in the center of the room. She started screaming again as loud as she could. She heard someone coming down the stairs, she started panicking. The lights went out again. When they finally came back on, there was food and water next to her on a table which wasn’t there before. She decided she was going to eat, because she hadn’t eaten in which she guessed to be eight hours. She started to feel tired again. When she woke up, her clothes were on the other side of the room. And there was a bucket above her. There was a small hole in the bottom of the bucket. There was water dripping on her head, it was some kind of legendary torture method.
She started screaming again, but no one could hear her. She looked around the room, there was a small window behind her, close to the ceiling, over in the corner of the room, there was someone standing there. They had a ski mask, black pants and a black sweat shirt on. The person was slowly walking towards her. She is still screaming. They take off the mask. It was her step-father. He had something in both of his hands. She tried focusing on the thing in his right hand, through her tears. He had a butcher’s knife in his hand. He looked nervous, she was screaming. He tied a cloth around her head to minimize her screaming. Starting with her hands, he untied her. He moved her to the air hockey table in the corner of the room. After he retied her, he put the knife on the table by the pole in the center of the room, and picked up a bigger knife.
When they found her, she had been sliced starting at the tip of her fingers running into the palms of her hands. Moving down her arms, meeting in the center of her chest, then down to her navel, down her legs, up her spine, over the back of her head, over the tip of her nose, finally back to the center of her chest. When they found her, she was still alive to tell what had happened and who had done this to her. Slowly her lifeless body fades away; they all do, the cops, the nurses, everyone.
I roll over sweating, screaming, crying, feeling the little girl’s pain. My brother comes running, he hugs me. I push him off, still crying. Grabbing me again he keeps saying “You’re okay. It’s just a nightmare. It’s not real. Everything is fine.”
The next day my mother brings home her boyfriend to meet us for the first time. I’m in my room doing my spelling homework, working hard to move on to third grade. My mom calls me downstairs when I see him, I immediately recognize him. The first thing i tought was ‘Oh no my nightmare is coming true,’ I say “Hello” and shake his hand and then I know my thought was right.
April 15th, 2008 at 10:51pm