Lets look deeper than we should.

Lets talk about my secrets.
No one will know.
But everyone already does.

Lets talk about how I work a room.
How I’m an attention whore.
I thrive off of your weakness.

Lets talk about my attitude.
Disaster’s on parade.
I don’t give two shits about what you think.

Lets mention how much I want you.
Protect me.
Hold me.

Lets talk about how I feel.

Let’s dissect me.
Until there’s nothing left.
Go ahead and rip me open.

Lets find out all my fears.
Being alone forever.

Lets talk about my mistakes.
All the blood I’ve drained.
The air I’ve lost.

Lets look at how I wear my heart on my sleeve.
You know I need you.
I survive off feeling for you.

Lets see how I breath.
And afraid.

Lets talk about how stand.
And terrified.

Lets discuss how I cope.
Or how I lack being able cope.
Crying and Screaming.

Lets find out how I fight.
With passion.
For what I believe in.

Lets count how many times I’ve lost it.
To many.
All the time.

Lets observe how I’ve drown.
From emotion.
And stress.

Lets check how I cut.
To deep.
But never deep enough.

Lets see if I’m reformed.
Enough to fake it.
But not enough to change.

Lets find out how I’m me.
And desperate for someone to want me.

Lets look deeper than we should.
April 16th, 2008 at 02:07am