First child due in December.

Hi guys.

As some of you have pointedly noted, I haven't been around for quite a while. I guess you could say I've been lazy, and yet, that doesn't quite explain my total absence from the internet... No, that would be due to the preparations my girlfriend and I are making for the birth of our first child. Unexpected? You bet.

In an ambitious scheme, I have been taking on extra marketing projects, and rubbing shoulders with the kind of work I least enjoy- the kind done by me. All this in an attempt to bank up extra cash before the kid is born, and alas that cyberspace and my caffeinated haunts have been the first casualties of this new regime. Still, if I can beat the apathetic standard of parenting these days, it will all have been worthwhile. My neighbours have already given me the perfect achetype of what not to base myself on as a father. I don't know where people get the notion that yelling is the magical solution to every single thing... Man, I really hate our society sometimes.

So now know why I've been gone. I could say a lot more here, but I'd rather see if anyone is listening first.

Exhausted cheers,
April 19th, 2008 at 12:28pm