Today: 4-20-08: They're Ba-ack... O_e

OH CRAP! My last journal entry (A YEAR AGO!) was about how annoying those stupid bugs were!


They're sooooo annoying! They just keep clining to my windows and they all like, stalkers or something! They keep clining to my window and watch me!

Thats right. They don't do anything! But it is still very annoying because whenever they're there, they're just a black speck in the corner of your eye!

O_e I really hate them! And they're not just different types of bugs! They're the same type of little long black beattles with the orange lines on their backs!

My whole family is fed up with them. They're all over my porch and you can't use the front door because they're all over the place! EW! I hate bugs soooo much! -_-

I have to get off my butt because they're so annoying and flick the little screen thing behind the glass window!

Oh great....there's one now... I have to flick it off now because it's watching me...

April 20th, 2008 at 08:08pm