Thunder Music Video

The song Thunder by Boys Like Girls is currently in the process of being made into a music video.

But, it's like a contest.

It's a contest where ANYONE gets to make their own music video to the whole length song Thunder.

Basically, WE'RE making the video of Thunder and I'm so interested in what everyone's interpretation of the song and its really touching and embracing lyrics is.

If you are interested CLICK HERE and I'm so psyched because this is my favorite song ever and I have a whole fanfic based on this song alone.

Trust me, if you're a beach chick like me, you'll understand how deeply I'm like in love with this song.

So comment on how you feel about this and if you disagree with the whole thing and think you should let Boys LIke Girls make the video themselves or anything really or how you hate/love the song. I just want to know if people are as psyched as I am on this contest. :)
April 20th, 2008 at 11:57pm