Will She Ever Leave Me Alone!?

Most people love their parents, and most people regret being asses to them when they were young. Well I most likely wont, at least with my mom. My dad is the coolest person you will ever meet. He won't yell at you, he has a care free life, and lived his life. My mom.....one word, siko. SHe never leaves me alone, and I mean never. She constantly is yelling at me for nothing. Right as I walk through that door and I get hom from school, BAM. She yells at me for the stupidest things to. When I was young if I spilled my drink it would be an automatic yell from my mom, and my dad would just sit there and say it's ok geez just get a towel. I understand why my mom and dad got divorced, my dad was too awesome for her. And now sadly the choice I had to make was 1. Live with a siko who can take care of me better as in cleaning, cooking, and the esentials. 2. Live with a freaking awesome dad who doesn't know how to cook and most of the parenting things. I had to choose my mom, and I don't know why, but I think I am deciding to move with my dad. I've ran away from home, left my house without telling my mom, and now I'm going to make one little change in my life that will make a difference forever.
April 21st, 2008 at 01:42am