So now guys cheat on their girlfriends with me. I just have no standards. ._.

Last night seemed great but so horrible.

I met this guy, he was nice and all but me...I was drunk. I was just...needed to be drunk more than ever. DKSJAAKJSASAK STUPID IDEA.

Like, the guy was saying stuff to me. Then we were all 'together' and stuff, then my other friends all "HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND." And then lsjskldla he was all...avoiding me...I think he was the whole night anyway. Then he's all "I have a girlfriend, I like you...but I have to stop that with her before this can go further." Being me the stupid trashed cow I was, I was all "NOOO. NOWNWOWNWO."

We did end up being together for awhile, then he just stopped. This morning I woke up somewhere random thinking "WTF HAVE I DONE." Then I saw him again, didn't mind talking to him with my other friend...then he said "goodbye dianna" AND I WAS ALL "GOOD BYE PERSON WHO LIED TO ME MAKING ME BELIEVE YOU'LL TALK TO ME AGAIN, BUT THEN AGAIN I'M THE STUPID ON..." I didn't actually say it, but I was in my head.

So y'know, at least this time it didn't turn out to be with some jerk in some random's car. I feel like a pure idiot.

._. Now I can't sleep.
April 21st, 2008 at 04:12pm