"smart" people

Don't you hate it when people are snobs-condescending, bragging, obnoxious, patronising-all big words for when they act like they are better than you and make you feel stupid. And its not dumb people, its the overacheiving preppy people in all my honors and advanced placement classes. It gets so annoying sometimes, even though its only little things, so I'm just gonna put in a load of examples here. some of them are funny because they are partially my fault I'm such a spaz.

Me: *trying to make the stapler staple because it wouldn't when I held it in one hand with paper in the other so I put it down on the desk and finnally got it
Devina:"Need help?" (In a patronizing way that makes me feel dumb)

Allie: "... Geometry is stupid people math" (because most honors students in our year are already in Algebra 2)
Me: I'm in Geometry
or maybe I said "I'm in stupid people math"
Allie: Oh sorry.

My friend Emily:"... your grades not that bad! I have a D in that class..."
Carly: Yeah but you don't care about your grade!
(she does and I would be pissed off if anyone said that to me)

Me: Hey whos in your study group?
Lauren(I was friends with her a lot in class the whole year before, and we just came back from the summer a while before this): Oh ....(people I know)
Me: I could be in your study group (or something like that)
Lauren: Oh *funny look, funny look* that would be nice (or something like that)

Me: Hey why are you still reading that book? *friendly tone
(to my friend/aqquantance haley who was standing with our friend Mi-tean. I asked because they are carrying the book we are reading for english around the lunch room like they are obsessed or something)
Haley: what? why am I still reading it? *funny wtf? look
Me: I mean why are you carring it around with you? *thinking they like it or something
Hayley/Mi-tean: Because we have a quiz on it today. *snappy tone*
Me: oh I didn't know...
Mi-tean: well now you do. *leave us alone retard from another planet tone*
I was just trying to make friendly conservation and they had to act like I was retarded and act like I was being mean or something.

But then later that day they were nice again. which is dumb. ok so these were just minor things, but just felt like putting them down.
April 22nd, 2008 at 03:50am