Happy Earth Day! and a rant ;)

HAPPY EARTH DAY ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Go ahead and hug a tree, apologize to a plant or a patch of grass. Heck, you could even conserve energy or take a shorter shower (ei. "Military Style"= turn on water, get wet, turn off water, wash hair and body, turn on water, rinse, turn off water, get out of shower, get dresser, run outside and hug a tree!)


on to the rant part...
Whilst listening to "The Only Difference Between Suicide and Martyrdom Is Press Coverage" by Panic! at the Disco {yes I am aware taht they no long use the exclamation point,I , however, will never stop using it so nnnnnn! (sticks out tongue)}, I realized how true the title really is. Everyday we hear about "celebrities" who overdose and die, or who get hammered and arrested, or who lose loved ones. You know the sick part? We feel so sorry for these people when the very same thing could easily be happening to someone right outside our door and we wouldn't even notice. Not only that, but we care more about people who are considered to be better than us than the ones who surround us, who could easily affect our lives in a greater way than these famous people ever could.
April 23rd, 2008 at 04:21am