Dresden Doll

Golly Gee, I have been missing out haven't I?

My brother won't fix my myspace and MSN, so I'm using up all his super fast ultra awesome broadband. And then I'm buying a wireless mac laptop and hiding it in my room so I can stalk internet perverts

The kind of girl who tells you she's bi-polar just to make you trust her

oh my, I just found a song of them collaborating with panic -? @ the disco. What a Good Day indeed...I took up croquet today, and I'M ON FIRE. Mys myspace page would be full of their lyrics by now IF I COULD GET ON. But the nerds in the nerd forum are finding a solution, surely...um, also of interest....I got cake...Because it's Shakespeare 440th birthday and all...What, you FORGOT??? tsk tsk....Well, seeing as your teacher isn't a Shakespeare groupie, I suppose you'll have to do without...Did I mention I also can't get on deviantART? Not that I've been doing much lately but still...What is this, karma for wishing some random deviants a happy hump day in the hopeless hope for some 'well earned' adds? I mean honestly, I must've wished 300 people happy new years and I only got two more watchers! Ridiculous I say. And you say, use that wonderful talent you have to draw them in Mikki! And so then I say to you, with some level of disgust in my voice, 'what talent?' My name on there is iSqueex, please drop by and berate me for my shameless use of mibba for advertisement anytime you so please.
April 23rd, 2008 at 09:56am